Effective Communication in Business

 Communication expertise begins by being intentional about communication. Rather than treated as a afterthought or when something goes wrong in presentation.

Q- But what is a communication event?

It could be simply text to friends or making a sales call.

To be Proactive about Communication Skills, you need to ask yourself these Seven Simple Questions:

Q.1 Who were the receivers of the message? Did the right person have the intended message or not? 

If not then it can pose the problem of miscommunication.

Q.2 Who is the sender of the message? Was the sender best person for job or not?

Q.3 What was the intended message? Did the receiver get bottom line of the message? Did they have to know what they were supposed to do?

Q.4 How did the message get from sender to receiver, What was channel email/face to face /pinned up written notice? What so ever it was it truly affects the bottom line of the message.

Q.5 Were receivers asked to share their thoughts or was it a one-way communication?Because one-way communication may be treacherous.

Q.6 If people did give feedback did anyone respond to the feedback? Because it ensures that receivers are clicked with intended message.

Q.7 Did the preconceived thoughts & beliefs the receivers ever affect their response?

If that case then it should be addressed A.S.A.P.

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